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Saturday, January 5, 2013

DropShip Home Business

How to Start a Wholesale Distributing 
Drop Shipping Business Step-by-Step

If you want to start a business with very little startup capital, a decent turnover and minimal risk
drop shipping may be the way to go
Thanks to the Internet, 
drop shipping has enabled the middleman (you) to eliminate the financial risk of carrying large amounts of stock by having the wholesaler ship the product directly to the consumer. 

This means no more juggling your cash flow, no more chasing after debtors who won't pay up and no more overdue accounts to give you sleepless nights while unsold stock is piling up in your store room. 
The world of e-commerce lies at your feet -- 
ready for you to take the first step.


  • Research the products you are planning to sell. Choose products you have knowledge about, to avoid uncomfortable situations where prospective clients might ask you questions you are unable to answer.
  • Set up your own Internet shop, rent a space in a successful web store or sign up on an auction site such as E-bay. The benefit of the last two options is that the number of daily customers they have already established far exceeds what you will be achieving with your own store in the early stages. The downside is that you will have to pay royalties to those sites.
    • Search for wholesaler distributors who are willing to do drop shipping. Several directories are available online that will supply you with contact details for drop ship wholesalers. Do an Internet search using your chosen product and the words "wholesale" and "drop ship."
    • Contact wholesalers through e-mail or by phone to compare prices as well as shipping costs. Before making your final decision on which wholesaler to deal with, check the wholesalers' online reputation.
    • Obtain images of the merchandise–people tend to buy what they see. Images of the products will most likely be available on wholesaler or manufacturer sites, but be careful not to violate copyright laws when downloading images to use on your site. Instead, obtain a sample of each product and take your own photos. This will set you apart from your competition; who will most likely be using the manufacturer images.
    • Publish your products in your web store. Advertise your store through different media to attract prospective clients. Once you have established a market, you can start expanding your product range.


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